Mary Gwidt

Petra 153 Art
Byzantine Iconograpy, Petrykivka (Ukranian Folk Art)
Artist Mary Gwidt received her Bachelor's Degree in Music Education in `986 and taught Instrumental Music for 6 years. In 1982 she entered the contemplative religious life in the Diocese of La Crosse where she continued to develop her knowledge of liturgical music and began to study iconography and statuary repair and restoration. Her studies began with the Saint John Damascus school of iconography and further studies were then pursued with the Prosopon school and Saint Elizabeth's Icon Studio. During these years she provided several retreats for different Catholic communities and has done commission work for many churches including the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, WI. In 2021, Mary was released from her religious vows as a consecrated hermit and returned to the lay state. She continues to write icons and recently began the study of Petrykivka, a Ukranian folk art.